Monday, January 18, 2010

Cookie monster Cupcakes

I am bringing dinner to a woman in our ward that just had her baby and she has two other little kids at home so I thought it would be fun for them to make cool cupcakes. It also gave me a chance to use my new decorating stuff.

I used two cupcakes and cut the bottom of one and glued it to the other with frosting. Then frosted them together to give me the shape I wanted.

Then I used my "grass" tip to make blue fur.

The eyes I used the cake bottoms and squished them into little balls.

Then I just added white frosting for the eyes and put the little balls in the center and put a cookie in his mouth. I saw another cookie monster cupcake on line but they had a bunch of fancy stuff on it so I made my own. It's not perfect but little kids won't care. :)


  1. OH MY GOSH! These are the cutest freakin cupcakes I've ever seen! I want one :)

  2. Cute blog! and love cookie monster! ;o)

